On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 14:42:07 -0700, Brandon Long via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>No comments from this side, obviously... except that everything old is new

We've had a fair bit of success reverse-engineering Google's placement
algorithms, which has given us lots of good material to tighten up our hosted
clients' operations.   I would speculate that the burden of proof the
plaintiff would need will be very difficult to obtain, as they would need to
demonstrate the existence of a specific rule in the system at Google that
would single out some aspect of the sender's traffic that invoked special

Based on that understanding, and my own personal experience seeing tagged
addresses given specifically to a particular candidate or cause being sold or
shared across political spectra, I would say that Tulsi probably has the inbox
rate that one would expect, given the likely complaint rate and degree of
likely recipient engagement.

I know that some campaigns (can't say anything about Tulsi -- one of the few
candidates I haven't heard from) purchase e-pended data sets.  For example, I
have a tagged address used only to order a hat from a veterans' supply store
that now attracts Democrat and Republican campaign communications.  The latest
hog at the trough is the Governor of Montana.  (For some reason, jets.com
bought that db and concluded that I'm well enough off to be chartering air
transport on a regular basis.)

But, she does need some publicity, and assaults on large tech firms is all the
rage these days.  If I were opposed to her candidacy (which, generally, I am)
I would welcome the suit as a way to drain her monetary resources without hope
of recompense.

>Also, doesn't CAN-SPAM only apply to senders?

To the extent that it applies to anything effectively, yes.  Unless it
doesn't, in which case it won't.

         "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
                -- Masahiko

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