On 8/22/2019 3:40 AM, Michael Hallager via mailop wrote:
How they do this - and I kidd you not - if they offer "data entry" jobs to people in cheaper labour countries (the Philippines for example) to manually get past CAPCHAS.

That is what many think is happening - and maybe that is happening in some cases - but a couple of days ago I was on the phone talking with the main deliverability person for a leading ESP - and she said that she figured out that one of the main CAPTCHA services (Google's? - I forgot which) - has a feature whereby if the client have javascript turned off, then (a) the CAPTCHA stops even trying to work AND (b) the form STILL works. She said that this is the DEFAULT setting, and you have to change just one tiny setting to get it to NOT allow the form to work if javascript is off. So when this is at its default setting, humans have to fill out the CAPTCHA, but the CAPTCHA is 100% worthless against bots that aren't using (or needing) javascript to submit the form.

While CAPTCHAs are beat by some "cheap labor" tactics - this configuration might be the real problem the vast majority of the time - but it is causing many to think that CAPTCHAs are being beat more often than what is really happening.

This "no-javascript" loophole is HUGE!

NOTE: After I learn a little more about this, I'm going to repost this as its own thread.

Rob McEwen

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