Tim Bray via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> (Mi 30 Okt 2019 12:09:59 CET):
> Hi,
> I think you really need to use your own recursive resolver to use spamhaus. 
> Like install unbound and use localhost as resolver.

Exactly that is the point. I *really* want to use my own resolver, but
as my own resolver sends its queries from the IP the hosting provider
assigned to my vServer, I do not get any answer.

Still it is not clear, if Spamhaus doesn't answer, or of there is some
device in between.

Using their (the hosters resolver) works. But I do not want to depend on
their resolver. It's bad enough that I depend on their support, who
now offered me to buy(!) another IP)

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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