On Mon, 2019-12-02 at 17:08 +0000, Ryan Prihoda via mailop wrote:
> defer (-53): retry time not reached for any host for 'comcast.net'

That looks like an MTA (Exim?) error, and not a SMTP 4xx type message.

You need to work out if the messages are backing up because a) Comcast are
throttling you or b) you have a local configuration issue.

If you are being throttled then you'll see an SMTP 4xx type message in your
logs generated by the Comcast MX servers in response to your attempt to
deliver to them. The messages will stay in the queue and delivery re-
attempted as per the local MTA setting.

If the error messages is being generated by the MTA software itself, then
that could be a local server misconfiguration, network or resource issue.

My advice would be to look at all of your logs, not just the maillog.


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