On 9 Dec 2019, at 7:58, Al Iverson via mailop wrote:

Whenever these threads come up, a dozen or so people say "I still read
email on my stone tablet and so do all my friends." But count how many
friends do you have, and then divide that by the 1.5 billion active Gmail users (as of October 2018), the resulting percentage is how much it matters
if random sender X creates a text version or not in 2019. It really
doesn't. Nobody except those 12 guys see the email in plain text. Those 12 people may be unhappy, but they probably aren't subscribed to a company's
marketing messages anyway.

I suspect that not all cheap and easy to replace accessibility devices[1] are able to cope with the HTML content that some senders pump out. So sure, there might be 12 old timers who don't care anyway. But by dismissing text/plain entirely, people restricted by those devices are also left behind.

I'm all in for pragmatic approaches, but I suspect that as proposed, this is over-generalizing.

[1] bad attempt of a joke. In many cases, those devices are neither cheap nor easy to replace.

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