On Fri 07/Feb/2020 16:34:38 +0100 Ralf Hildebrandt via mailop wrote:
> Then, shit happens.
> * I get autoreplies to my address (expected, since it's in the From: header)
> * I get autoreplies to the envelope sender address (I only see them because I 
> check the mailman logs)
> * I get real human replies to my address (why? I explicitly specified a 
> reply-to: header?!)
> * I get real human replies to my address and the reply-to: address
> * I get crazy NDRs to my address
> So I guess that's why people just give up and use a "noreply"
> address in the From:, because they cannot be bothered with the shit
> mentioned above.

Hmm.. I doubt noreply is effective with MLM lists.  If you want replies, you
better use a functioning email address.  Still need to shovel out shit, though.

What I'd like is a 'noautoreply' tool.  MS' X-Auto-Response-Suppress: doesn't
seem to work...


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