I know this will come as a complete and absolute shock to most everyone

It's been 15 days since I originally posted this on this list.  I was told
to wait about a week to let them "weed" out all of the clutter AT&T likely
gets from this abuse address... so I waited 2 weeks.

The shocking part... it's still blocked.  And I haven't received a peep
from AT&T other than the canned response I got on February 10th (16 days

So basically all I've done is wasted 16 days waiting for a response or

And yet people wonder why I have zero faith in the way any of these "big"
mail providers address disputes to their clandestine blacklisting and
blocking process.

Am I suppose to wait another decade or two for a response or resolution
from AT&T regarding this?

For what it's worth - the IP address in this particular case
is - I would very much love for someone to tell me what is
wrong with this IP address and why AT&T is blacklisting it.  What services
do you all recommend to go to to check the reputation of a mail server's IP
address?  I've been using Senderscore, Senderbase, Proofpoint, Symantec,
Spamhaus, Spamcop - this IP address comes up clean at all of those places -
but I guess those aren't good sources to double check with?

I'm open to suggestions on how I'm suppose to handle this and what I need
to do to resolve this.  Apparently checking the IP's reputation at those
sites isn't good enough.  And apparently sending an email to
abuse_...@abuse-att.net is not good enough.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 9:50 AM Scott Mutter via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

> Anybody from AT&T able to check a couple of abuse tickets for me?
> AT&T is blocking one of our servers, I sent messages on February 8th and
> February 10th to abuse_...@abuse-att.net but have not heard anything back
> - other than the canned response - and the IP is still blocked.
> The rejection notice says to email abuse_...@abuse-att.net but I'm not
> sure if that is still valid.
> Ticket numbers are:
> 020820-180048-39537-00
> 021020-164333-46154-00
> I suppose it's possible that AT&T is just inundated with abuse requests -
> but maybe there is a better way to weed out the valid requests from the
> invalid requests.
> If abuse_...@abuse-att.net is no longer valid, then perhaps the rejection
> notice needs to be updated.
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