On 27/03/2020 14:05, Dima Gomonyk via mailop wrote:
Hello, does anyone have contacts for the JMRP SNDS support?

We need to change the complaint address for the JMRP FBLs, but the SNDS service doesn't allow us to do that for some reason (no option edit or manage the existing feed), nor it allows to set up a new feed with the same IPs (feed can be added, but then it's automatically(?) removed after about five minutes).

Their page refers to the usual outlook ticketing form, which took three days of back-and-forth to find out the hotmail support doesn't handle JMRP and the msn-s...@microsoft.com <mailto:msn-s...@microsoft.com> address should be mailed to instead - which is not responding for a week now.

So, trying to figure out either how to manage the existing complaint feed at JMRP or how to get in touch with someone at the JMRP SNDS support.

That sounds exactly like the problem I had back in December


The IP address was in a feed which we didn't own all the IP addresses for (we had 'lost' some since we set it up) and those were owned by DigitalOcean which didn't have access to some of the other IP addresses on the feed. That had the result that *no one* had 'manage' access to the feed (not even to delete it) because no one 'owned' all the IP addresses on it, and you couldn't add the IP addresses to another feed, because an IP address can only be on a single feed.

After a lot of (very slow) back & forthing to SNDS service (msn-s...@microsoft.com <mailto:msn-s...@microsoft.com>) where they seemed totally unable to understand the problem, they basically said 'tough, as you don't own all the IP addresses, we won't help you' (even though my email address was listed as the person who created the feed). I then asked Michael Wise (a very helpful member of this list who works at Microsoft) to see if he could help. He understood my problem, unlike the msn-sdns people, so he persuaded them to do something. That did help a bit, but they still didn't sort it out fully, at which point I gave up, because I decided life was too short... (That was partly my fault, on the 15th time of repeating the same information to them and getting very frustrated, I made a small typo, which was the one time they decided to actually read the information I was sending :-( )

You'd think they'd easily be able to "split" a feed if two different companies owned different subsets of the IP addresses on it, but no, that seems to be impossible. They won't even delete a feed so that you can recreate it correctly.

So, not really much help, I'm afraid :-( The msn-s...@microsoft.com <mailto:msn-s...@microsoft.com> is the correct email address, but they don't seem to really understand their own system or how it's used in real life. If that doesn't work, you could try contacting Michael Wise and see if he can nudge someone. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.



Paul Smith Computer Services
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