On 25/05/2020 04:16, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:
> On Mon, 25 May 2020, Daniele Nicolodi via mailop wrote:
>> Does anyone know what "modern authentication" mean in the context of the
>> Office365 / Microsoft email accounts?
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online
> suggests that it is based on the Active Directory Authentication Library 
> (ADAL) and OAuth 2.0.
> That page has many links to pages of information on using "modern 
> authentication" with Microsoft clients :-)

I read a bit more about this and "modern authentication" means also that
the IMAP protocol to connect the the mailboxes is disabled.

Does anyone know if there is any alternative to Outlook to access
Exchange Online mailboxes that require modern authentication?

The IT department of the organization that is pushing thins says that
modern authentication and disabling IMAP (over SSL) enhance security. I
don't see how this is the case. Does anyone have an opinion?

Thank you.


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