Wow! Open ended question, and also depends on the SPF record..

Some you WANT to block at the edge (aside from the whole email forwarding thing) and some you may simply want to filter.

But by rejecting, that IS a notification .. hehehe..

However, for many individuals out there trying their best to run an email server, they have a hard enough time getting DNS right... let alone SPF..

This is where is is probably best to 'be kind to the animals'.. UNLESS of course, it is something important that is likely to get forged/faked/phished like a bank.

But in reality, most of us are too busy to spend time on reporting.. Assume if it is broken, they will notice pretty quickly anyways.. The big guys rejecting your email is often when people first start looking at SPF..

But during this difficult time, we want to be nice to our neighbours when we can be, and phishing attack rates never higher.. So, if you can spare the cycles.. sure.. why not..

But when a bank screws up on their SPF.. yeah, the best thing is to block them, and that will get their attention ;) For them, we need to set them to higher standards.. IMHO

Other opinions?

On 2020-06-04 7:05 a.m., Liam Fisher via mailop wrote:
Quick question to the hive mind about SPF.

What do you usually do for domains that have broken SPF records?  I mean the ones affecting your inbound to local delivery.

Do you notify the sender and what's the usual process?
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