Hi Michael,

It is clear, but what must we do when the front door is closed too?
I used the Support Funnel but didn't get any responses, not even the first 
response from the robot giving me the SRX#.
It is not a spam classification issue, I have checked the postfix logs and 
found no email coming from @css.one.microsoft.com.
Same problem to add an IP to the SNDS program : the status remains "pending 
initial verification" (since Friday) because Microsoft doesn't send the 
validation email.
Important detail: all these problems occur with IPs beginning with 212.83, 
which suddenly all got blocked overnight.

Franck Schwartz

De : mailop [mailto:mailop-boun...@mailop.org] De la part de Michael Wise via 
Envoyé : vendredi 5 juin 2020 23:45
À : mailop@mailop.org
Objet : Re: [mailop] [EXTERNAL] Re: Attention Michael Wise - need your 

For OLC, aka "Hotmail" issues...

You know the answer to that, Al: No.

Now if something is broken with the process, like no follow-up with the 
automatic mitigation, or if it's an issue with Office365, I can see what I can 
do, but for, "Why can't my IP be unblocked for sending to Hotmail" ... NO.

I get spanked for it.

So no, for those sorts of issues, no, I am not an escalation point.

There is *NO* escalation point outside of the Support Funnel, which if one has 
an SRX# already, one is already in.

I can't handle escalations for a service that has half a billion customers, 

Not happening.

Doesn't scale.

There is no secret back door person who can unblock stuff.

And if one attempts to appeal to Senior Leadership … we may just get a request 
to block the petitioner at the edge.

There is no, “Appealing Unto Caesar”.

Michael J Wise
Microsoft Corporation| Spam Analysis
"Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed."
Open a ticket for Hotmail<http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=614866> ?

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop <mailop-boun...@mailop.org> On Behalf Of Al Iverson via mailop
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 2:20 PM
To: mailop <mailop@mailop.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [mailop] Attention Michael Wise - need your assistance

Hey Michael,

Are you an escalation point for Microsoft issues?

Is Mailop?

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 3:58 PM Rauf Guliyev via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org<mailto:mailop@mailop.org>> wrote:


> Hey Michael,


> I haven't gotten any response from you either (did my emails end up in the 
> Spam folder? ;-) and there is nothing with the cases I have submitted either 
> (SR1500907063 and SR1501411372). I'd appreciate a response.


> Thanks,

> Rauf


> On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 1:42 PM Marc Goldman via mailop 
> <mailop@mailop.org<mailto:mailop@mailop.org>> wrote:


>> Hi Michael,


>> I sent you an email the other day (that may have been overlooked)


>> Have a case (SRX1502275554ID) that I asked you to check on for me that was 
>> denied mitigation even though we just took over this 1 IP a week ago.


>> You can contact me off list for anything you need.


>> Thanks!


>> Marc Goldman


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Al Iverson // Wombatmail // Chicago

Song a day! 


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