[admin hat on]

On 15 Jul 2020, at 15:55, Job Cacka via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> Sorry for spamming the list guys.
> Take a look at the header information. 
> The four copies were sent over a couple of days and you got them when? 
> Mon Jul 13 16:58:47 BST 2020 
> Mon Jul 13 19:08:50 BST 2020 
> Mon Jul 13 23:36:35 BST 2020 
> Tue Jul 14 19:02:47 BST 2020
> If you only received them on Wednesday then why?
> I sent these to the list using a gmail account. I believe gmail has an 
> intermittent  issue. 

The mailop list server had an issue which was resolved this morning.

Instead of randomly reposting in the hope you can force one through, if 
messages aren't appearing then maybe you should try contacting the admin team - 
like someone else did, so the issue was fixed.

As was never actually uttered in the Star Wars canon: "patience, young 

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