Too early yet.. (to enforce globally)

But start selectively forcing it for the bigger players known to support this..

On 2020-08-26 9:50 a.m., Scott Mutter via mailop wrote:
How many mail operators out there are forcing outbound SMTP communications to use TLS?  Is this a common practice now?  I know secure everything and TLS everywhere is a popular movement at this moment.

I've noticed that Constant Contact ( <> - at least the mail server at and <> ( don't appear to be accepting STARTTLS.  Is that strange? <> appears to handle STARTTLS but <> does not.  There may be other country/region specific Yahoo domains that don't.

I'm just wondering if that is common.  Perhaps the administrators of these mail servers are unaware of this?  Constant Contact - whose primary purpose would seem to be to insure mail delivering - not accepting STARTTLS seems extremely strange.

I've been toying with the idea of forcing outbound SMTP connections to use TLS, but thought I'd take a quick look and see who might miss mail if this done.  It looks like most mail servers handle TLS, I haven't extended this test to a lot of servers yet so it may just be that the mail servers I have enacted this on are small volume senders.

I should note, forcing TLS is different from preferring TLS.  I think a lot of MTAs (at least Exim, I think?) prefer TLS and will attempt to negotiate a STARTTLS session, but if that fails, then it will continue without TLS.  By forcing TLS, I'm telling my server to close the connection if a STARTTLS session can't be started.  Are any other mail server admins doing this?  Or is it still too early to require this?

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