----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris" <clewis+mai...@mustelids.ca>
> To: "Lyndon Nerenberg" <lyn...@orthanc.ca>, "jra" <j...@baylink.com>
> Cc: "Chris" <clewis+mai...@mustelids.ca>, mailop@mailop.org

> On 2020-12-20 14:00, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
>>> The original quote, IIRC, was talking about Henry Spencer at UT Zoology, who
>>> got Usenet that way for a while.
>> More likely it was in relation to Australia's Usenet "feed" which was a daily
>> FedEx air shipment of 9-track tapes.  At the time, FedEx Air was cheaper than
>> the very expensive submarine cable link.
> There is some confusion here.  Lyndon is correct as for Australia.  Jay
> has it backwards.

Ah: he *sent* Usenet out that way.  Got it.

FWIW, Andy Tanenbaum got back to me before I could rig in my antenna,
and tells me that his quote wasn't conditioned on any particular situation.

Jay regrets the error.

> The Australia link was what I was referring to.  Which was connected
> with NASA, and I believe Eugene Miya was involved.
> That's what the quote was referring to, and may have even been from Tom
> - he is that sort.  However:
> Henry (who I was in CompSci with at UofT and knew him quite well)
> received Usenet via dialup modem at node utzoo, and spread it outwards
> from there.  The sites I ran got it from utzoo.  After a couple of
> years, I returned the favour and my site (mnetor - Computer X
> (subsidiary of Motorola) became the long haul link into Canada (via X.25
> UUCP d protocol from Rick Adams' side at seismo), and I fed utzoo, BNR,
> LSUC, York et. al.
> [I then ended up in BNR, which for a while was one of the largest Usenet
> transit sites in the world.]
> Tom's connection with magtapes vis-a-vis Usenet that Jay is referring to
> is the *archive* of the Usenet traffic that Henry kept on tape, and gave
> to Dejanews.

I dunno; I got mine -- thanks to Spaf, then at GATech -- over a 1200bps 
modem from USF.  :-)

Henry's was, I think, the biggest contribution to DejaGoo, but there were, 
IIRC, hundreds, and at least a few of them (possibly including utzoo's) were
conditioned on Google's (not really fulfilled) promise to aggregate it *and
make all of it available in a useful form*.

It's been 30 or 35 years, the possibility I'm misremembering some of it
does exist.  But I have a bit set -- and it's a pretty large bit -- that
Google promised some stuff that they never delivered, and people depended
on it.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
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St Petersburg FL USA      BCP38: Ask For It By Name!           +1 727 647 1274
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