Dnia 14.01.2021 o godz. 05:44:00 Michael via mailop pisze:
> But I boldly predict that this is the year that things will change. 
> Attitudes are changing. (The removal of Trump from Twitter is a good
> example) The last few years too much emphasis has been placed on 'privacy'
> protection and user rights, and the bad guys are benefiting from those
> practices.

Well, these privacy and freedom of speech thing are a bit like pendulum - it
is bent either one side or the other. It's bad when hosters, ISPs, email
providers etc. allow for criminal and damaging activity under the guise of
protecting privacy and free speech, but what seems to follow Trump's removal
from Twitter (eg. Google banning from it's app store any alternative social
media apps that have been used by Trump supporters - note: banning entire
apps/services, not particular people!) may be actually dangerous to free
speech and privacy.

Who will draw the line between what is and what isn't allowed to
publish/send/say on the Net? Who will guarantee taht when you send some
political content with which your ISP doesn't agree, you won't be labeled as
"spammer" and "bad guy" and banned? A *lot* (and I mean a *lot*) of care
is required with regard to these things and my perception is that our
today's society is just not able to being careful... :( It's always either
one side or the other...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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