On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 09:48:51AM +0100, Benoît Panizzon via mailop wrote:
> mail from:<bp@****.ch>
> 250 2.1.0 Ok
> rcpt to:<woody@****.ch>
> 250 2.1.5 Ok
> rcpt to:<test@****.ch>
> 452 4.5.3 Incompatible Antispam Action, please resend this recipient
> separately
> And that is exactly what I expected and what see in our logs...
> So Postfix is NOT accepting the second recipient with 200 OK and
> logging it has been tempfailed.
> So now I am more confident this has to be an EXIM bug.
> What I suppose is happening there is: One recipient was accepted.
> From the Log the ISP using EXIM sent me. I see the return code is:
> 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 16EC1C100A

Note that this response is the response from the DATA command, not the RCPT

It's possible Exim is happily blasting through all the RCPT commands, ignoring 
all the 452
recipients, then DATA sending to the one(s) that Postfix 250 Ok-ed.
Postfix rightly then gave a 250 response with the Queue Id, which Exim logged 
and it looks
as if the mail was delivered properly.

> Yes, or course, that email got queued under that ID on our side. The
> FIRST recipient was valid.
> So does EXIM falsely apply that 200 OK also to subsequent tempfailed
> recipients in the same SMTP connection?
> We have a voicemail server running EXIM. Going to try to reproduce the
> issue there.

It's not clear to me what your? postfix / anti-spam software setting is for 
of receipients per message?   If it is <100 then you're breaking RFC5321
minimum number of recipient buffer.

On the Exim side, set max_rcpt to 100 or less.

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