On Tue, 16 Feb 2021, Vittorio Bertola via mailop wrote:

    Il 14/02/2021 07:42 André Peters via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> ha scritto:


    Have you guys already read this? 

    I have seen the discussion and found it fits. Will you remove UCL from your 

I am wondering if Gmail is actually using UCEPROTECT in any way. I was just told by a Gmail user that my messages started to be delivered into the spam folder, and AFAIK the only thing that changed in the last few days is that my VPS provider (Contabo) is now listed in the UCEPROTECT level 2 list as well (not just on level 3 - apparently, they just did an upgrade to their attempts to force people into paying them money). On the other hand, my reputation in the postmaster tools panel is good, etc. - no other visible issues.

I also use Contabo, which is listed (Level 3) already for a couple of weeks, but I'm not listed either in Level 1 or 2.

Level 2 seems to apply when a number of Level 1's within a given subset (in my case it shows a /20 subnet) reach a certain level.

It (still) does not bother me, and I (still) have not noticed any consequences
(and specifically not when sending to gmail, but my volume of e-mail is extremely small (family server)) of being part of the Level 3 entry.

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