Hi, Tim, Jaroslaw, *

the requirements posted before only apply to ESPs (email service providers | 
mass mailers | ... mailhosters).
Mailing lists should not be concerned as far as I can tell from our stats.

The case for new infrastructure is, that you'd allow us to automate detection 
and classification of your new machinery.
Of course you can reach out to our postmasters (preferably the contact 
mentioned in our SMTP reject message) to get your IP reclassified if we didn't 
yet before (automagically).

>  From my experience the 'Return-Path' of mailing lists usually does not
> match the 'From' domain. The exception is DMARC mangling because the
> mailing list modifies the email (e.g. by inserting a tag to the
> 'Subject' or a message footer), thus breaking a valid DKIM signature of
> the original sender.

that's the reason we didn't start with DMARC policy enforcement so far.
it's to gamy to adhere the domain policy without regard of the source IP you 
see the message from.


mailop mailing list

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