on Thu, Jul 08, 2021 at 02:28:13PM -0700, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
> Ex.     x1

Even better still dvois.com uses the same naming for dynamics and
statics. At least they only have the couple - though they also use
static.dvois.com right anchored PTR naming, they don't ALWAYS, so it's a
risk to just assume. I've dealt with Indian ISPs with hundreds, if not
thousands of naming "conventions". The old vsnl and bsnl were awful.

> Time to brush off M3AAWG best practices.. listing what ports do not
> need to be open on dynamic IP home style networks..

That's just it - you can't assume dynamic with dvois.com, and many more.
I have at least 136 patterns that I had to throw my hands up and call
"mixed" because they either lie, don't distinguish, or are so
incompetent they can't be bothered to not hand out statics with 'dyn'
token labels, and vice versa (eg., rima-tde). Much of Brazil is simply
generic, stuff like 1-2-3-4.example.net.br. We tend to assume generic ==
dynamic, especially when they've got tiny allocations, but shrug.


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