On 2021-07-12 06:11:35 (+0800), Marcus Hoffmann via mailop wrote:
On 11.07.21 23:27, John Levine wrote:
Netcup isn't fabulous, but it's better than Hetzner.

So, what would be even better then? (Netcup was just the next best available option here in DE. And well, the cheapest.)

I've had very good experience with a VPS from Mythic Beasts in the UK. They also offer services in Amsterdam if you prefer to be hosted in Europe rather than on the island off the west coast. Their service works well and their support staff are amazing.

Someone suggested routing emails to MS and google domains through Amazon SES. Would that actually make things better?

It's worth a try. You still have to do a lot of work monitoring it. For a setup with a handful to a dozen users ... you have to wonder if it's worth it.

Anecdata: after helping the last of my paying email customers (and my parents!) migrate to Fastmail, I moved my own email to them a couple of months ago too. I do not miss having conversations with people about email from my server being filed as spam.

Google and Microsoft have become large enough that they can get away with simply not caring about small operations with a few dozen users. They could drop all the email from low-volume senders outright and it would make no difference at all.

This centralisation is bad for everybody. There is no point in tiny operators tilting at the windmill though. The windmill doesn't even notice. To keep these large internet conglomerates at least slightly honest, we need more, somewhat larger, email businesses like Fastmail. If enough of them poach enough users from Google and Microsoft, maybe there can be space for smaller operators to thrive again too. I'm not holding my breath though.

(Note: I have no stake in Fastmail or Mythic Beasts. I am merely a happy paying customer.)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
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