On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 3:52 PM Brielle via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> On 7/15/21 12:26 PM, John Levine via mailop wrote:
> > It appears that Tim Bray via mailop <t...@kooky.org> said:
> >> Just check which DNS servers you are using.     And lot of the
> >> and of the world and similar don't work very well for RBLs
> >
> > s/very well/at all/
> >
> >> I usually install a local unbound.
> >
> > You have to unless the ISP DNS resolver is small enough not to run
> > into the query limits that Spamhaus and other large BLs have.
> >
> > R's,
> > John
> Off topic slightly, but someone might find the setup useful...
> I use a combination of dnsdist and powerdns recursor to give me a bit of
> flexibility and reliability.
> Each resolver node is set up of multiple pools that consist of resolvers
> I run, my provider, and

If you want to guide this dummy on how to run a local resolver like
that, I'd appreciate the tips. :) I was trying to get out of the DNS
business but if I want to do any local DNSBL querying, I guess I have
to reconsider that.

In the meantime, is it bad vibes to query Spamhaus directly against
a.gns.spamhaus.org - e.gns.spamhaus.org? What kind of query level
might invite blocking?


Al Iverson // Wombatmail // Chicago
Deliverability: https://spamresource.com
DNS Tools: https://xnnd.com
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