Hi all!

I registered here only in recent time and this is my first post here (i
am sorry, my English is not best)...

In recent days i bother with many login attempt to my personal mail
server, which i use for some years. I meet distributed dictionary
attack to IMAP server which was partially blocked by my fail2ban with
some manual intervention. But attempts to login into SMTP server are
less often, thus more difficult to catch.

I will shortly describe current situation:

They all connects to port 465 (as i do not provide other for logins)
and repeats one attempt about every hour (30 - 90 min) any from
different IPs. Most of them are known to SpamHaus CSS/XBL, which i use
to deny AUTH for them. They waits max. about 10 s to every response
(connect, EHLO, AUTH), and then disconnects without QUIT. They
disconnect without QUIT to 5xx response to AUTH too. I do not know what
accounts/passwords they are trying, as real AUTH doesn't happen.

Two or three days ago i decided to extend AUTH response delay to
they disconnect before they get reply and to see what happens. This
results in burst 8 - 12 attempts every time, again all from different
IPs. They are logged and counted by exim's notQUIT ACL, here is excerpt
(wrapped manually):

2021-07-17 20:18:02 H=[] NotQ connection-lost
  (AS:27953 10.5, N: 1.0, C:AR 40.1) EHLO,AUTH
2021-07-17 20:18:24 H=[] NotQ connection-lost
  (AS:4613 2.6, N: 1.0, C:NP 4.3) EHLO,AUTH
2021-07-17 20:18:46 H=[] NotQ connection-lost
  (AS:262662 1.0, N: 1.0, C:BR 301.1) EHLO,AUTH
2021-07-17 20:19:14 H=[] NotQ connection-lost
  (AS:134888 2.0, N: 2.0, C:IN 46.7) EHLO,AUTH
2021-07-17 20:19:49 H=[] NotQ connection-lost
  (AS:269585 1.0, N: 1.0, C:BR 302.1) EHLO,AUTH
2021-07-17 20:20:16 H=[] NotQ connection-lost
  (AS:42739 6.9, N: 3.4, C:PL 65.7) EHLO,AUTH
2021-07-17 20:20:47 H=[] NotQ connection-lost
  (AS:268052 1.9, N: 1.0, C:BR 303.0) EHLO,AUTH

I count ASN (AS:), IP network (N:) and country (C:) by exim's ratelimit
facility for 1 week, to get some quick look. Most of them come from
Brasil, other top includes India, Poland, Argentina and others. The IP
is only rarely used more than once, and as one can see, the IP networks
and AS numbers doesn't get high counts too (with some exceptions which
i blocked manually).

Please, i want ask others if are these (mostly) Brasil attempts know to
others too or am i "special" target? Some other questions, which comes
to my minds without answers, while perhaps nobody here will/can know
right answer, i will ask:

- i use blocklist.de IP list to block access on router for years, but i
  feeling in recent time as it is not as effective as before, can it be
  related, that i do not see similar attempts before?
- have someone similar feeling about blocklist.de effectivity or am i
- some days ago i decide to register my IP with dnswl.org, can it be
  related? (in really i am not sure, if they start closely before i
  register or after)

And finally, please can someone help me to create fail2ban rule, which
will catch network IP from these logs? While i am able to do own f2b
rules and actions, i do not know how to catch (and use) network address
in them and i cannot find any resource for it.



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