Dnia  5.08.2021 o godz. 08:30:17 Brielle via mailop pisze:
> *squints her eyes as she recognizes the name Jaroslaw Rafa*
> I may not have the best memory these days, but I seem to remember you are
> the one who wanted to bring lawsuits against everyone who runs junk / spam
> filters.
> Message-ID: <20191007155046.gb21...@rafa.eu.org>

Definitely your memory fails, or your understanding fails ;). First, I was
not talking about "everyone who runs junk / spam filters", but specifically
about Google. Second, it was a part of a longer thread where somebody came
up earlier with an idea of a lawsuit, I only was discussing it further. Third, 
hypothetical lawsuit should be not because of running junk/spam filters, but
because of - which I specifically mentioned - discriminating small
senders, by not trusting those senders by default just because they are too
small, which results in classifying mail from these senders as spam,
regardless if it is actually spam or not. (I still suffer this problem from
Google from time to time; especially when I post a lot to mailing lists like
this one, my mails start suddenly going to spam at Gmail).

This is exactly the bad practice I was talking about in this very thread -
running over-aggressive spam filters, knowing that there will be many false
positives and not caring about them. For me, a false positive is a worst
thing in spam filtering. In my opinion, one should avoid false positives *at
all cost*, even if it should mean slightly less effective spam filtering.
Because false positives break communications - that's what I just wrote

> Specifically against google knowing it would fail… but you just wanted the
> publicity.

And it was exactly explained in that email you are referring to why the
publicity. Because it's the only thing that can cause big companies running
over-aggressive and uncontrollable spam filters to change their behavior.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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