On Thu, 2021-08-05 at 22:52 +1000, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:
> On 05/08/2021 19:07, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
> > I would never block an entire server/provider, no matter big or
> > small, unless the server/provider sends spam *only* and not any
> > legitimate emails.
> > 
> psssst  NEWSFLASH  the blocking is to the advantage of end users

One mailop's spammer is another mailop's end user.  Hold off your

> you run your spam infested network the way you want, and i'll run
> mine the way I want.

THIS is the main reason why internet email is doomed for failure and
why I second the following, earlier statement in another thread:

On Fri, 2021-07-30 at 19:19 +0800, Philip Paeps via mailop wrote:
> On 2021-07-30 18:10:23 (+0800), G. Miliotis via mailop wrote:
> > We're just managing our misery here.
> That's a great tag line for mailop@. :-)

Truth is: internet email sits on a fault line that is more poisonous
than the magma fumes emanating from geophysical fault lines.  Email
works fairly well as an internal service because one mailop rules all
users.  Email fails utterly when mailops serve interests on opposite
sides of the fault line.

Trying to deliver internet email today is more complex and difficult
than trying to effect legal service on an absconding defendant.  "The
dog ate the envelope" is no excuse, even if the dog is some fancy
experimental M$ AI trying to second guess recipient's interest and
punish bad actors according to its own rules, arguably arbitrary.

When an end user cannot rely on internet email to deliver messages,
they will look for alternatives.  Internet email is being bypassed left
and right by messaging platforms with tighter controls.  Spammers are
trying to infiltrate those platforms too, but with much less success
than internet email.

If anyone can suggest an email relay system that is compliant with US
HIPAA <https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/index.html>, I would love to connect
my internal email system to it and outsource email deliverability

Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

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