On 2021-09-23 10:26 p.m., Jay Hennigan via mailop wrote:
On 9/23/21 19:45, John Levine via mailop wrote:
A bizarre new Texas law makes most spam filtering illegal, effective Dec 2:

  “An electronic mail service provider may not intentionally impede the transmission of another person’s electronic mail message based on the content of the message” unless:


* “the provider has a good faith, reasonable belief that the message contains malicious computer code, obscene material, material depicting sexual conduct, or material that violates other law”

That's 321.054 here: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/BC/htm/BC.321.htm#321.054

Note the "material that violates other law".

Now scroll up in the same statute to 321.052. This is indeed an "other law" as described above.

*  A person may not intentionally take an action to transmit an unsolicited commercial electronic mail message unless:

*  (1)  "ADV:"  appears first in the subject line of the message or, if the message contains obscene material or material depicting sexual conduct, "ADV:  ADULT ADVERTISEMENT" appears first in the subject line; and....

I've seen a lot of spam and it has been a very long time since I saw one with "ADV:" at the beginning of the subject line.

So it looks to me (not a lawyer and don't play one on TV) that according to a different subsection of the very same statute it's perfectly fine to block spam that doesn't begin with "ADV:", which is pretty much all spam.

Ah, just playing because I just got home, and have a nice refreshment in front of me.. Umm.. Isnt' blocking because it doesn't have ADV at the subject, a case of filtering by content? Oh, I am so confused, my head hurts ;)

Nite Nite everyone..

Have to get up early and write up an advice letter to all our Texas ISP's in the morning.

        -- Michael --

 Note the "material that violates other law".

Oh, was that US law or 'any law'.. wonder if there is a Taliban law that.. (oh, not even going to complete that thought) Or is there an assumption in Texas that only means Texas law.. *cough* (Canadian)

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