On 20/01/2021 10:50, Stefano Bagnara via mailop wrote:
> I'm looking for brainstorming and updated industry "standards" from people
> handling outgoing SMTP services or ESP exporting APIs to "request
> subscriptions" (confirmed opt-in).

For mailing lists, it occurs to me that we should now be at the point
where SPF and DKIM are ubiquitous enough that sign-up can be by email
only and they should stop accepting sign-up on a website.

To subscribe to a mailing list you should need to send an email (to the
"sign-up address") and then your request would result in the usual
confirmation process only if your email passes SPF/DKIM (or DMARC). If
the sender fails to be authenticated then just discard the request.

If that was implemented everywhere, wouldn't that stop subscription

It would at least stop small Mailman deployments from being abused, and
they already have to handle incoming spam so there's no difference

The UX is different because you'd have to use mailto: addresses instead
of a form on a website but you could decide to trigger that from
JavaScript based on the domain they enter (to redirect to alternative
special-case flows for different providers).


Simon Arlott
mailop mailing list

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