
Dňa Wed, 17 Nov 2021 13:31:50 -0600 Scott Mutter via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

> Unless you are sending an encrypted password to your mail server (in
> which case, the compromiser still has the necessary to log into your
> email account) then this has to be decrypted some how by the email
> application. Again, if you're not entering anything to decrypt this
> then that means the necessary information to decrypt the encrypted
> stored password is on the system in some manner.

I agree in principle, but it becomes real problem if that software is
used by 60 % of Internet users (hi Chrome), if it is used by 0,00x %
users, it must be really targeted attack, otherwise its success will be
very very low.

Question remains, how valuable will be success targeted attack against
**regular** users -- IMO more theoretical than real (and some people
still consider me as paranoid ;-) ).



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