On 11/24/2021, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
CONN: -> 25 GeoIP = [US] PTR = mail-sn1anam02on2087.outbound.protection.outlook.com OS = Windows NT kernel

Returning 250 ok [qp 3539411] for data
QUIT command received, args:

And then it terminates the connection, SSL collapses, without waiting for the remote mail server to acknowledge the QUIT.

I get it that they 'might' think that closing when 'they are done' and we gave a 250ok on the DATA, and they sent the QUIT.. I don't know, thinking to shave a few milliseconds off of the connection, but the RFC is pretty clear that a QUIT .. AND .. and acknowlegement is part of RFC.

Comments? (And no, there is zero lag before they terminate)

If I understand you correctly;

When sending mail, *.outbound.protection.outlook.com appears to send DATA, terminate via <CRLF>.<CRLF>, wait for a response, then issue QUIT immediately followed by a TCP FIN packet.

Operationally, I don't think it makes a difference. RFC pedantics? Maybe. Does the receiving system advertise the Pipelining SMTP Service Extension?.. Does setting/un-setting that response to EHLO make a difference to outlook.com's behavior? If so, does and/or should RFC2920 allow for QUIT->TCP FIN?

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