On 12/18/2021, yuv via mailop wrote:
Their FAQ is up at <https://privacystudy.cs.princeton.edu/> and it all
looks like a lawyers-approved shield to try to justify what they have
done.  They know they have pushed too far.  The question is whether
they will learn from this and whether the learning will flow into a
fairer IRB.  I will follow up with Jonathan.

There has been another update, and appears to be well worth a read. The part that is of interest to me is;

Second, our team is prioritizing a possible one-time follow-up email to recipients, identifying the academic study and recommending that they disregard the prior email. If that is feasible, and if experts in the email operator community agree with the proposal, we will send the follow-up emails as expeditiously as possible.

While I'm not really a fan of more spam; I do not have the experience to comment on what damage may have been done, nor what their best path forward should be -- as such this plan seems acceptable to me.


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