On 29/12/2021 14:15, Mark Foster via mailop wrote:

So your attitude is fine if you're a _good_ platform operator _and the victim _

Most operators will be better operators, as most of us dont have tools scanning its users emails to target advertising and christ knows what else they do with the information they scan whilst invading their users privacy.

(And Google have the added advantage of being too-big-to-block... and

Nobody is too big to block, not even google who love people like you touting this nonsense, because it gives them less incentive to police things, and yes we have blocked them before, and wont hesitate to do it again if need arises, just the same as with any org.

abuse reports filed with them... there's little evidence of this to an end-user/victim...)

I for one look forward to Roundcube building in the option to have the web IP included in headers,

Mark, you do realise, that information *is already there* in the header, well, for network operators it is, as its encrypted but roundcube has a tool for them to decrypt it, but you want them to put it plain text? when google and the like never will, wont win any fans with that request :)

But with a victims perspective in mind, feels like it'd be nice to show some public accountability. (And your IP address shouldn't be treated as PII kid-gloves... you expose it every time you access network resources)

Sure, but you are not exposing it to all and sundry are you, you are exposing it to those with authority to see it, webmasters, newsmasters, irc opers, facebook, google, microsoft admins, and so on, your not exposing it for say, me, or your neighbours to look at - unless you using our services lol.

People have a right to privacy, yes people have a right not to be a victim, that's where network operators come in, to identify and if need be deal with their user.

What purpose will it serve for the victim to know the IP of the person causing them harm? They cant exactly do anything with it, but report it to the users ISP, which is exactly what they need to do now to find out who it is, the ISP sure as hell is not going to tell the alleged victim their alleged perpetrators name and address or phone number or anything, I'm sure even the country with the worse privacy laws wont allow that.

Noel Butler

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