Hi Brian

On Tue, Mar 08, 2022 at 03:10:29PM -0500, Brian Toresdahl via mailop wrote:
> What we've seen, corroborated with cases across different sender domains,
> and different recipient domains, is that emails, as soon as they're
> delivered, are being immediately unsubscribed. We've had enough independent
> reports from recipients that they didn't unsubscribe themselves to make me
> believe them. We've had cases where senders and recipients are on the
> phone, together, with the recipient actively trying to resubscribe, but
> each retry is again unsubscribed. So it's like some automated system is
> unsubscribing recipients against their consent.

Did you check the logs of the unsubscribe service?  Where do those
unsubscribe requests come from?

> Am I understanding the issue correctly here?

No, most likely your unsubscribe workflow is flawed, as others pointed
out already.


Lots of people drink from the wrong bottle sometimes.
                -- Edith Keeler, "The City on the Edge of Forever",
                   stardate unknown
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