It appears that Rob McEwen via mailop <> said:
>The main nefarious reason is someone wanting to send marketing messages 
>(OFTEN spamming!) from a large mail hosting service mailbox - and then 
>the "+" feature (used in either the SMTP envelope FROM or in a 
>"Reply-To" header) greatly improves the ability to track bounces and 
>unsubscribes and other abuse - ...

We call that VERP, putting a per-recipient bounce address on bulk mail
so you can tell which recipients are bouncing. It works great, not for
any nefarious purpose, but because (as you are surely aware) bounces
and rejection messages are stupendously inconsistent, so VERP is by
far the best way to figure out which address is bad so you can stop
sending it mail. This is normal list management.

I agree there are lousy mailers who do listwashing, but VERP doesn't
have much to do with it.


PS: Gmail allows general plus addresses, Yahoo allows a limited
number, can't think of any other significant commercial mail system
that allows either.

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