On 2022-04-10 00:26:16 (+0800), Tara Natanson via mailop wrote:
Thank you all for your responses.   I am happy to pay some, but
switching to google workspace with what I need would be 36$/month so
looking for a cheaper option than that. Yes Google says there is a no-cost
option available but I did look into it and it won't work.

Biggest problem I'm having is that no one states in their advertising or
FAQs if they support "+" addressing.

Is anyone using the following services and can confirm if they support "+"
addressing or not?

I a Fastmail customer and would highly recommend them.

They support +-addressing and also offer something called "subdomain addressing":

Fastmail is US$5/user/month for the standard plan. If you've got users who don't use IMAP/POP, you can put them on the US$3/user/month basic plan and save a little bit.

(Note: I have no stake in Fastmail. I am merely a happy paying customer.)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
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