On 4/14/2022 5:22 PM, John R Levine wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2022, Dave Crocker wrote:
Without knowing what mail software your provider is running, there is
no way to tell.

The benefit of an over-the-wire approach to specification writing is that all that matters is what goes... over the wire.  One does not need to know the 'intent' or 'thinking' or who the source is, or whatever about the source of the data that goess over the wire.  One merely needs to know what goes over the wire, and compare it to what is in the specification.

So, just so I don't misunderstand, you're saying that one can tell what a complex piece of software does by examining a single example of its output.  That's quite impressive.

John, I said nothing of the sort.  Which, of course, you know.

What is actually impressive is that what I recited about the over-the-wire model for interoperable protocol specification is the very mundane and long-standing foundation for Internet 101, but you somehow seem not to understand it. Very large wow.

Section 4, second bullet
If a receiving system's delivery process applies mappings or
transformations from the address used by the MHS to a local value,
this new value SHOULD also be recorded into a separate Delivered-To:
field when transit and processing using that address successfully
complete. This ensures a detailed record of the sequence of handling
addresses used for the message.

covers that form of string.

It doesn't, we explained why last year, but since I doubt anyone else is interestied in this p*ing match, I'm really done now.

I asked a very simple question, for you to provide the technical specifics that are the basis for the conclusion you keep uttering.

Rather than participating in a constructive technical exchange, you have repeatedly insisted on aggressively relying on an appeal to your authority about this. But that's not how open, collaborative technical work is done.

In effect, you've been done for quite a few months.

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