
it's probably no surprise to anybody, but Leaseweb is a confirmed spammer haven.

I gave it a last try today, reporting a number of IP addresses which are 
apparently operated by just one spammer.

Positive results:

 * Leaseweb accepts e-mail complaints to the abuse address listed in their IP 
whois record. Yay!
 * They have a ticket system that's simple, easy to use, looks nice, extracts 
IP addresses and domain names from abuse
   report mails. That's much more than many other providers do!

Negative results:

 * The spam still continues.
 * Their bot response basically says
   /Your abuse notification has been processed and marked as resolved by our 
customer. Leaseweb therefore considers
   this issue as concluded./
 * Of course, their notion of "resolved" and "concluded" is different from 
mine. I would have expected that the spam
   stops, but no, not with Leaseweb.

Outcome of the experiment:

Leaseweb IP ranges will go into the IP level block list, to be removed whenever I feel like it after having too much beer, or the server gets rebooted (approx. once every 1-2 years).

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