
Nate Burke via mailop wrote on 07.07.22 at 19:41:
I've had a small multi-domain business mail server running on the same IP for the last 20 years, I need to change the IP from an address in a reassigned IP block, to my own ARIN block.  Is IP reputation still a big deal, or are anti-spam measures now content/quantity based and the IP address isn't as important anymore.  Can I just flip the IP and update my DNS/SPFs and be good.

I went through something similar about a year ago and blogged about my experiences and shared my "cheatsheet". Not sure if a link to own publications (CC-BY-SA) are fine on this list - I'm mostly a passive reader here. ;-) But I'll follow-up directly with you.

In general, checking several blocklists and some manual checks did the trick for me. Note, however, that my experience is based indeed on low mail volume.

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