On Fri, 29 Jul 2022 13:11:24 -0700, Justin Scott via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>Interestingly any email "operator" with fewer than 500 employees or less
>than $5 billion in annual revenue is exempt, so clearly targeted at the
>major providers and not self-hosted operators or small hosting companies,

If this misbegotten bit of sludge ever makes it to law status, I shall be
applying for an exclusion.  I have less than US$1.00 revenue, and exactly one
employee, but I DEMAND to be one of those operations included in its scope.

Of the over 9,000 political emails that have arrived here from the RNC, the
Trump Organization, the saveamerica45 pac, conservativeintel.com &c &c ad
nauseam, not a single one has reached what might be construed as its intended

And that ain't changing.  (There is a small trickle of Democrat spam, but that
gets suppressed as well.)

The problem:  not a single one of the addresses the injured party or parties
intended to send to actually delivers to a human being who could have agreed
to receive any large or small amount of used food.  Every single one of them
was scraped, purchased, traded for, stolen or made up out of various elemental

         "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
                -- Masahiko

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