On Fri, 29 Jul 2022 20:42:43 -0400, Brett Schenker via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>"They can say whatever they want, but .. I'm +1 with John. They have a
>*lot* to learn about email and how it works"
>Unless the language has changed since I read it, it says you need to report
>on how much goes to spam. If you send it to quarantine instead, you can
>still report it as 0 going to spam, completely comply with it, and none can
>get to the inbox.

The Bozometric Tensor is severely strained in the neighborhood of who/whatever
drafted this piece.  "Label", indeed.

       Those who can make you believe absurdities 
       can make you commit atrocities.
                -- Voltaire

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