On 9 Aug 2022, at 10:27, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:

> This is interesting. The certificate for tls-invalid should a) not match the 
> CN, and b) be expired. The ": b'84:OK secure 
> match=tls-invalid.measurement.email-security-scans.org servername=hostname,'" 
> is hence a bit confusing. Also just tested it with 'openssl s\_client 
> -starttls smtp -crlf -connect 
> tls-invalid.measurement.email-security-scans.org:25' just now, and the CN 
> does indeed not match.

https://esmtp.email/tools/mta-sts/ also is reporting on a missing DNS policy. 
The cert is reported as expired as well.

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