On 2022-08-30 13:33, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
I just checked a few samples, really can't be bothered to do it for all of them.

NameCheap (registrar-servers.com) DNS all over the place (in fact didn't find one that had another registrar).

It's gotten so bad that I refuse all traffic from domains with such DNS unless they are explicitly whitelisted.

I get the frustation.. Should point out they 'have' been getting better and more pro-active on addressing abusive domains..

But if we adopted that policy (It's gotten so bad..) we would be blocking Gmail by now *toungue in cheek*

The real problem is not the registrar, it is the networks that allow those operators to find a home.. The problem is that people are more worried about margins than the effects on their fellow man.. Its about being reactive vs proactive.. Its... (uhoh, Michael in Rant mode.. Take the keyboard away nurse)

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