Am 19.10.22 um 22:41 schrieb Slavko via mailop:
Dňa 19. októbra 2022 17:38:27 UTC používateľ Kai 'wusel' Siering via mailop 
<> napísal:

Might be true in general, but the case is different. They happily 
do send to any MXable domain. They do not accept all responses to the email 
their users sent. To me, §7 (1) UWG looks promising — unless 
*knows* it would be accepting replies from the domain their users address, *must not* send to that domain (giving their user a clear message 
that that is on behalf of a policy, not the failure of someone 
else) *or* auto-whitelist the target domain's sending servers as per SPF before 
relying such an email.
No, not to any domain. I did special ACL for their servers, with the same
message (except postmaster address) as they did.

While blocked, I use ...    REJECT IP= - A problem occurred. (Ask your 
postmaster for help or to contact to clarify.) (BL)    REJECT IP= - A problem occurred. (Ask your 
postmaster for help or to contact to clarify.) (BL)

Or ... REJECT Unfortunately, messages from this IP address are rejected. 
Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on 
our block list.

Only issue here: I don't provide a way to circumvent these filters, so once 
blocked, they need to use another provider to contact me. *shrug* (tosa@rx 
actually uses different sending servers, so we could resolve the issue via mail 
nonetheless. *thumbs up*)

As i do not remember any message from it for years, it will have minimal
or none inpact to them. But one of my users is living in Germany, thus
here is chance ;-)

Yes, you (and I) can do this; the impact is negligible for both sides. (For me, 
blocking who blocks my servers is an act of self-defense; as neither me nor my 
users would be able to reply to mails from those services, it's best to reject 
any such mail in the first place.)

But as Jaroslaw Rafa put it on 2022-09-16:
Dnia 16.09.2022 o godz. 03:57:36 Kai 'wusel' Siering via mailop pisze:
While myself I still do "evangelize" on various forums - wherever I can -
that "Friends don't let friends use Gmail", quite a lot of my actual friends
*do*  use Gmail and I have no way to make them not to...
Of course you do, actually, we all have that way: just stop accepting mail
from GMail (or Outlook, or T-Online, or ...), based on "$GMail is evil for
email in general". Ensure that "Friends don't let friends use Gmail" stops
being someone's spleen and becomes a movement instead.

Feed the Big Players their own dogfood, basically: we don't talk to you
because … we can.

Yes, this will hurt. A lot, until there's a big crowd participating. The other
option is to really let this oligopoly win — it's everyone's own decision.
This will hurt me in the first place. And probably nobody else. Let's get
real. Even if we all do this, this will hurt mostly us; as the number of
people who use "big players" mail will be still much, much larger than the
people who won't be accepting mail from "big players". People having their
mail on "big players" would be still perfectly able to communicate with each
other, so they would see no reason to move away from "big players". If they
won't be able to mail me, they will just try to convince me to set up an
account at one of the "big players", then "neither me nor them would have
any problems"... Or they will try to convince me just to use Facebook
Messenger or any other application of this type instead of e-mail...

And they will be in majority!

Let's face it: Life's not fair ...

And when we start to contribure to something as this, then "oligopoly
will really win".

That ship has sailed already.
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