DO uses third-party services to send emails. If you want to block only their cloud ranges, blocking all of their announcements is appropriate.

On 2022-11-25 14:16, Slavko via mailop wrote:
Dňa 25. novembra 2022 19:15:07 UTC používateľ Lukas Tribus via mailop <> napísal:

if we are talking about a list of DO IP prefixes, why not rely on
routing information with bgpq4 [1] instead?

I live in hope, that these published IPs are including cloud infra only,
not other IPs, as eg. their official MTAs (outbound) etc, while that AS
ranges includes it.

I tried bgpq4 some time ago, while i do not remember which cloud
provider it was, and there was huge difference between published
IP range and whole ASN ranges.

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