
Sometimes a problem comes across your desk that you say “wait, how is this not 
solved yet?”.

At the day job, we have a contact list for our customers that comes from our 
ticket system, and it’s stuffed into an alias file with :include:.

The way postfix handles these aliases, is that it preserves the original 
envelope sender and recipient (which we don’t want anyway), and o365 is 
rejecting on that envelope sender/recipient (that it’s not allowed to deliver 
to our internal envelope recipient, which is not unreasonable, but still 
surprising we haven’t hit it before.

The obvious answer is: “Don’t use the :include: mechanism, just use a mailing 
list manager.”  Which, for one alias in a system, feels like overkill.  I don’t 
need membership management.  I don’t need archiving.  I don’t need bounce 

So I’ve gone down the rabbit hole, looking for various combinations of remailer 
scripts, forwarder scripts, group forwarder scripts, mailing list expanders, 
etc.  And I’m coming up surprisingly short.

Could I knock something together myself in perl in a half hour?  Sure.

Would it likely have its own untested edge cases for us to discover?  

In a world of DKIM/DMarc compliance, especially, where “blow away the original 
headers and forward anew” is the best answer, I’m shocked to not find something 
like this as well.

Our needs are simple: a unix program we can pipe a message to that will 
preserve the original message mime portions and subject, but discard most of 
the previous other headers.  How in 30 years of email, something that I can’t 
just pkg install isn’t easily findable baffles me.

If someone knows of something, let me know.

mailop mailing list

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