If you're using Sender Rewrite (SRS) with proper SPF / DKIM data and doing a normal rational amount of spam filtering and running a clean shop in terms of policing abuse, then there should be absolutely nothing controversial or egregious about email forwarding.

Forwarding email using your own domain is one of the oldest use cases for having a domain and it provides a very necessary level of abstraction to remove vendor or intermediary dependency.

Saying "people shouldn't forward email" is the equivalent of shouting at clouds.

- mark

On 2023-02-28 1:31 PM, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:

On Tue, 28 Feb 2023, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:

On 2023-02-28 08:00, Mark E. Jeftovic via mailop wrote:
Hey all,

Looks like customers trying to forward email from their own domains here, to their O365 mailboxes are getting throttled with:

Stop 'remote forwarding'... simple..
Save you and your customers grief..

Is there an SMTP equivalent of the HTTP 30x status codes ?

Such an option would achieve some of the purposes of forwarding
without re-sending spam, but would have privacy issues and allow
spammers to update their lists.

Serious considerations to balance,
but is this option technically available ?

Mark E. Jeftovic <mar...@easydns.com>
Co-founder & CEO easyDNS Technologies Inc.
+1-(416)-535-8672 ext 225

/"Never expect a thing you do not want,
and never desire a thing you do not expect."
-- Bob Proctor /
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