On Mon, 8 May 2023 13:29:48 +0000, Mike Hillyer via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

>Thanks, these are good best practices but I was talking more about "10 
>connections max per IP, 5 messages per connection" type of traffic shaping 

Sorry, I didn't make the end point clear.  If you follow the warm-up plan, for
the major providers, if your list hygiene is effective and your recipients are
responsive, the rule is "one connection per 1000/hr", i.e. whatever the
traffic will bear.  A client whose performance I reviewed this morning
normally does about 50,000 per hour per IP at gmail.  Then again, his failure
rate is 0.08% and the averge open rate hovers around 44%.  The time per
transaction is usually pretty low at gmail, and the "1 connection per 10K" can
be reduced.  These will be dependent upon your processor's capacity and your
network connection.

The ones you need details for would be the smaller European and Asian domains,
which tend to be a lot more picky about simultaneous connections and rate
limits.  Many of those will be detailed on the Postmaster web pages, but often
not in English.  There are some smaller US providers who also get stroppy
about too many connections; finding out what those limits are is often best
done empirically.

         "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
                -- Masahiko

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