Your sentence does sound to me that it's fine for senders to not adhere to 
these limits and be able to complain about receivers who would block those 
messages. I'm on the other side would state that in a more sarcastic way, like 
"You can totally ignore these limits but have no right to complain if others 
reject you because of it." With a stronger emphasis on the "You should not do 
it!", instead of only stating you can do it for your own outbound stuff, 
referencing Postels Law, and therefore implicitly stating that rejecting 
"invalid" message stream is kind of bad behavior.

/ Tobias 

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop <> On Behalf Of Slavko via mailop
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2023 2:39 PM
To: mailop <>
Subject: Re: [mailop] Thoughts on envelope address local-part length limits

Dňa 15. mája 2023 7:44:07 UTC používateľ Tobias Herkula via mailop 
<> napísal:
>Be careful with references to Postels robustness principle and look 
>into that 
>(formally known as "postel-was-wrong") And if you reference, 
>you should not omit
>"Objects larger than these sizes SHOULD be avoided when possible."
>"Clients MAY attempt to transmit these, but MUST be prepared for a server to 
>reject them if they cannot be handled by it."
>With the substantial critique on the robustness principle and the underlying 
>hierarchy of MUST, SHOULD and MAY from rfc2119, these two paragraphs out of 
>rfc5321# will push the minimum/maximum discussion into the obey the 
>limit corner and not the "do as you like" corner, but that's only my humble 

And how this differs from what i wrote:

    If you really want, apply mentioned limits to your outgoing messages...


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