On 2023-06-11, Slavko via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> Now i did search in both, the my MX's SPAM archive and
> my own maildir. I found really small amount of multipart/related
> with type= argument in my maildir, all was pointing to text/html.
> I found relative many multipart/related nessages in SPAM
> archive, almost all has type= parameter and allmost all pointing to
> multipart/alternative.

I have valid ham messages with type="multipart/alternative" .

It's also, I think, common for well designed multimedia messages: if
you send a message, with images or files referred to in the text, a
good client will prepare the following structure:

multipart/related type="multipart/alternative"
  multipart/text  plain version
  multipart/html  flashy version

An example of a bad client is AppleMail, which puts all the
attachments alongside the html message, and then wraps that up in an
alternative, so that the plain text version does not have the
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