On Sun, 18 Jun 2023, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:

On Fri 16/Jun/2023 22:41:39 +0200 Gellner, Oliver via mailop wrote:
On 16.06.2023 at 16:13 Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
So at least one (and important one, given the size of this mail service) implementation of DMARC does not use the PSL.

eu.org is located in the private domain section of Mozillas public suffix list. Apparently Google does not treat those private domains as public suffixes (at least not all of them) or uses a different public suffix list. The DMARC specification does not mandate that you have to use Mozillas PSL and pick up every self-appointed entry from there.

FWIW, future development provides for walking down the DNS tree.
So a DMARC verifier would lookup _domainkey.foo.bar.example.com and _domainkey.bar.example.com before reaching _domainkey.example.com.

Are we talking about _dmarc...example.com  or _domainkey...example.com ?

Is this future development published for comment ?

Is this a way of allowing residential broadband and cloud providers to
distinguish their clients and not have to control what said clients do ?

Eu.org would have to publish a "psd=y" tag to say it is a public suffix domain. Psd domains can specify policies.

Their current record specifies a pct=, which won't be supported by the upcoming standard.

So the future development will break compatibility with the current standard ?
I hope the future development requires a new value for the "v" tag.



Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK
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