Am Di den 20. Jun 2023 um  3:21 schrieb Ángel via mailop:
> I blame them by using a big amount of IPs to deliver mails even for
> > the same mail and for giving a host for malicious hosts that try to
> > get spam out. I blame them also for doing connections that are
> > absolute not needed and a wast of bandwidth.
> Microsoft spreading their connection attempts through a large amount of
> IP addresses seems precisely suited for someone limiting the number of
> connections/mails by IP, as you are doing.

Well, it is for a reason. Microsoft is one of the most prominent spam
sender. I don't want that they try to deliver or, they do not exist as well as all that other spammers.

Unfortunately there are few people still have their main mail on
hotmail. Otherwise I would block them completely as I do with

> > Moreover, the mail server is a low trafic server so 10/hour should be
> > ok for the most delivery systems.
> I get 2-4 mails from 40.92.*  **per day**

I even less. But have major connections from them trying to deliver

Klaus Ethgen                             
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16            Klaus Ethgen <>
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