Dnia 11.07.2023 o godz. 09:54:36 Slavko via mailop pisze:
> This makes TLS strict requirement for Submission, IMAP &
> POP3, in best with trusted certs.

Agree, but this is only to protect against password snooping, not against
content snooping, because:

> In SMTP (MTA-MTA) it is not as strongly required, but IMO after
> Snowden, using it without TLS must be only rare. Sure, one
> cannot know how mail will be relayed latter, but one have
> maintain/setup own services.

Due to the nature of email (you don't know where it will be stored and who
will have access to it) if you want to protect the contents of your email
communication, you must use E2E encryption. Just transport-level encryption
(TLS) is not enough.

If you don't use E2E encryption, you should assume your mail *can* be
intercepted, no matter if it is sent over TLS or not...

And if mail *is* E2E encrypted, transport level encryption is basically
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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